gamble aware

gamble aware
3 powerful spots I had the pleasure of animating 2D characters and effects on. Had a ton of fun with the textures & style on these three, and loved working with this team!
Responsible for character animation & 2D effects on:
Magnet: 00:00-00:04, 00:09-00:11, 00:17-00:20; Grip: 00:10-00:15; Wall: 00:13-00:16
Studio Mighty Nice
Client Gamble Aware
Agency Lucky Generals
Director | Nexus Studios Robertino Zambrano
Executive Producer Tina Braham
Producer Diana Angelius
Executive Producer | Nexus Studios Jason Fletcher- Bartholomew
Animation Producer | Nexus Studios Belinda Isaacs
Head of Studio Ben Seager
2D Animation Director Alex Grigg
Designers Christoph Sarow, Laurie Rollitt
2D Animators Jasmine Veljanovski, Sara Litzenberger, Duncan Gist, Darcy Woodbridge, Sean Weston, Alea Trinajstic, Bonnie Taylor Forsyth
3D Animator Billy Harrison
Compositor Mike Lomas